Join us for Bible Study
9:30 AM every Sunday Morning
Classes for all ages...
Babies, Preschool, Children, Youth,
Men, Women and Adult Co-Ed
Explore the Bible is our Sunday School Bible study guide for: Pre-school, Children’s, Youth and many of our Adult classes.
A Book-by-book Bible study that takes participants deep into the context of God's Word and challenges them to live it out in their own life.
A Book-by-book Bible study that takes participants deep into the context of God's Word and challenges them to live it out in their own life.
HBC Teachers
Thank you
Sunday School teachers
for your willingness to serve
our Lord through our
Sunday School Ministry.
Thank you
Sunday School teachers
for your willingness to serve
our Lord through our
Sunday School Ministry.
REMINDER: to Teachers...
Please remember:
Please remember:
- to be in your classroom by 9:15 AM to greet class members
- to complete the Triplicate Registration Form when you have a visitor/guest in your class
- Contact your absent class members (In-Reach) visit, phone or send a card
- Please keep your class roster up to date.If a class member has moved away, attends another church etc. please provide information.
- Who do you know that is un-churched? (Out-Reach) Invite them to join you for Sunday School.