"The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God. " - Psalm 14:2
Children's Department Check-In
~ AWANA Clubs ~
games, scripture memory and more.
September - May.
Sunday evenings 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
~ Kids Kamp ~
Kids Kamp is a great overnight experience in July
where the children worship, sing, play games, and swim.
~ Gems for Him ~
Is our children's choir. Past musicals have taken the children on the Mayflower,
under the ocean on submarines, behind the scenes of a musical production,
and yes... on the farm. Starts in September and again in February.
Awana Clubs
Games, scripture memory and more.
September - May.
Sunday Evenings
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Join our Remind group for
weekly updates by texting
@hbcohawana to 81010
Awana Clubs is built on our 3B ministry philosophy of child discipleship: Belong, Believe, Become. Children build spiritual resilience when they feel they belong to Jesus, when they believe in the truth of the Bible and then become disciplemakers in their own right.
Awana Clubs is built on our 3B ministry philosophy of child discipleship: Belong, Believe, Become. Children build spiritual resilience when they feel they belong to Jesus, when they believe in the truth of the Bible and then become disciplemakers in their own right.